Eliana Carrera

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am from Tempe, Arizona! I decided to come to UArizona because of all of the amazing ways to get involved on campus. My sister and aunt came here and loved the community they found within UArizona. I am majoring in Latin American Studies and Global Studies, minoring in Spanish and Business Administration, and love what I study. I have learned so much about the diverse communities throughout Latin America and the important human rights issues that have taken place across the region. I love to travel, watch documentaries, and listen to music!
Where will you be serving in the Peace Corps? When will you start? What will you be doing?
I will be serving in the Peace Corps in Peru, and will be starting my service in September! I will be working in Youth Development, helping young people improve their education and economic status. As a Youth Development Facilitator, I will be coordinating in schools and community spaces in order to promote youth-led projects as a part of Peru’s six-year Youth Development plan.
Why did you want to join the Peace Corps? When did you first start thinking about joining?
I wanted to join the Peace Corps in order to push myself outside of my comfort zone and completely immerse myself in the region of the world that I study. I first started thinking about joining the Peace Corps my freshman year at UArizona, and have planned many of my extra-curricular experiences around that. Through my studies, I have seen the importance of understanding different cultures, communities, and people at a grassroots level. This furthered my interest in the Peace Corps throughout my college career and helped me decide to apply at the beginning of my senior year.
What do you consider the main benefits of being part of the Peace Corps Prep Program, and receiving the U. S. Peace Corps Prep Certificate?
There are many benefits that come along with being a part of the Peace Corps Prep Program. I was not only able to receive the Peace Corps Prep Certificate that helped make my Peace Corps application more comptetitive, but I made great contacts with those associated with the Peace Corps. Tammy, the Peace Corps Prep Program Coordinator, was always available to answer any questions about the certificate and make sure I completed the steps correctly. Talking with the many returned volunteers at UA and Hannah, the UA campus recruiter, also helped me through this process.
What other steps did you take to be a strong applicant for the Peace Corps?
In order to become a stronger applicant for the Peace Corps, I developed my Spanish speaking skills, gained experience with youth, and used the many resources available for the application process. Studying abroad in Guatemala and volunteering in the Tucson community were great experiences I could put on my resume. I also had the Peace Corps Regional Recruiter as well as the UArizona Campus Recruiter assist me throughout the application and interview process. Both better prepared me for each step along the way and answered any questions I had.
Can you describe your volunteer work and extracurricular activities during your time at UArizona?
I have learned so much from my volunteer work and extracurricular activities during my time at UArizona. While studying abroad in Guatemala, I was also able to develop my Spanish speaking skills and intern at a school for at-risk youth called Los Patojos. Following this experience, I started volunteering with Owl and Panther where we meet weekly to work with refugee children and families impacted by trauma within the Tucson community. I was fortunate enough to return to Guatemala where I studied one of the country’s indigenous languages called Kaqchikel. I now currently work for the UArizona Office of Study Abroad where I advise students on studying abroad and the importance of having a global understanding.
What are you most looking forward to as a Peace Corps Volunteer?
I am most looking forward to making connections with the local people in Peru, becoming fluent in Spanish, and meeting other Peace Corps Volunteers who have similar interests! I know this experience will not be easy, but I know that it will teach me so much and help me in my future career. Speaking with so many returned volunteers has helped me see how much of a life changing experience this can be if I am determined.
Are you worried about anything?
I am most worried about the role I will play within a rural community. I know that it will take patience and time to gain the trust of the community I will be living in, but hope that over time we can build a relationship and learn from each other. I am also worried about being away from my loving friends and family for two years. They have all supported me so much in this process, and I know I would not be able to do this without them.
What do you hope to learn from your Peace Corps experience?
I hope to learn the difficulties youth in Peru face and how youth-led projects can better support them. I hope to learn the beauty and diversity within Peruvian culture. I hope to learn the Peruvian perspective on the United States, and gain a better understanding of our relationship. I also hope to see that though we come from completely different places, cultures, and lifestyles, we are not that different in our longing to support others and live a good life.