Peace Corps Week 2024

From February 19th - 28th, the Peace Corps Prep Program and the Paul D. Coverdell Fellowship Program will collaborate with partners on and off campus to bring you Peace Corps Week 2024 at the University of Arizona. We will offer a variety of events and activities throughout the week to celebrate Peace Corps, facilitate discussions about service, and recognize the impact that volunteers have abroad and in our community.

2/19: WGRC, CIELO, and Peace Corps joint lunch info session

Learn more about Peace Corps service and how applicants from different backgrounds can leverage their experiences as volunteers. Find out how programs like CIELO can benefit you and prepare you for Peace Corps Service. 

Click here for additional information about this event 

2/20: College of Education PC Week Reception

Learn how an Education degree prepares you for Peace Corps service and can be leveraged to make you an outstanding applicant and volunteer! Join us to learn about the Peace Corps Prep and the Global Education Minor and how both programs prepare you to work with linguistically and culturally diverse populations.

Click here for additional information on this event

2/20: Study Abroad as a path to Peace Corps (online)

Students will hear from a panel of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and how their study abroad experience connected to their cultural competency building for Peace Corps. Panelists will also share how Peace Corps and Study Abroad informs next steps in developing a professional career. 

Click here for additional information on this event 

2/20: Study Abroad and Peace Corps Mixer 

Enjoy light refreshments while spending time with Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and Study Abroad staff to learn about global opportunities.

Click here for additional information about this event

2/22: Peace Corps Prep Open House 

Meet members of the Peace Corps Prep team at an open house in the lobby of the Forbes building. Find out more about the PC Prep Program, Peace Corps Service, and the Peace Corps Club! Snacks will be provided!

Click here for additional information about this event 

2/23: Service Project with Iskashitaa

Join the Coverdell Fellows and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers from our community on a joint service project supporting Iskashitaa Refugee Network.

Click here for additional information on this event 

2/23: Peace Corps Club Movie Night

Join the Peace Corps Club for a screening of "A Towering Task: The Story of the Peace Corps." 

Click here for additional information on this event

2/24: Desert Doves Social Event 

Join the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Southern Arizona for their monthly social dinner.

Click here for additional information on this event 

2/26: Peace Corps Application Workshop (online)

Make your Peace Corps application stand out from the rest. Attend this workshop to learn how to browse Volunteer openings, find the right program, and strengthen your application. You will be guided step by step through the online application. Learn ways to improve your chances and ask questions about service.

Click here for additional information on this event 

2/27: Agriculture without Boarders Presentation 

 This presentation given by Senior advisor Jim Suits will cover how USDA does that, what sorts of challenges are confronted, and how you can join the mission, whether as a future employee, grant recipient, or technical advisor.

Click here for additional information for this event 

2/27: Advancing Human Rights Through Peace Corps Service (online)

Join the Human Rights Practice Program and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers for a discussion about the intersection of human rights, Peace Corps, and international service.

Click here for additional information on this event

2/28: Peace Corps Fair  

The Peace Corps Mini-Fair will be an opportunity for interested undergraduate students and community members to meet Returned Peace Corps Volunteers to learn more about their countries of service.

Click here for additional information on this event 

With questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations at any Peace Corps Week events such as ASL interpreting, wheelchair access, or electronic text, etc., please contact:

Chris Elsner